Grooming Tips

Caring for Your Tibetan Terrier: Grooming Tips and Tricks

Regular grooming not only keeps their coats looking beautiful but also maintains their overall health.

Luxurious Coats and Dedicated Grooming

Tibetan Terriers are known for their luxurious, hypoallergenic coats that require regular care. Their hair can grow long, so brushing several times a week is essential to prevent tangles and matting. Regular grooming not only keeps their coats looking beautiful but also maintains their overall health.

Grooming Tools and Techniques

Invest in high-quality grooming tools such as slicker brushes and detangling combs to effectively manage their coats. Regular trimming of the hair around their paws and ears is important to keep them clean and free from debris. Regular baths, ideally once a month, help keep their skin and coat healthy.

Showcasing Their Beauty

Tibetan Terriers have a unique "fall" of hair that covers their eyes. Tying this fall into a topknot not only adds to their charming appearance but also keeps their vision clear. Remember to clean their ears regularly and brush their teeth to maintain their overall hygiene.

Building a Bond Through Grooming

Grooming sessions are a fantastic opportunity to bond with your Tibetan Terrier. These dogs enjoy human interaction and will come to associate grooming with positive experiences, strengthening your relationship with them.

Interested in adopting?

What we are looking for from owners:

  • Committed to the health of the puppy/dog

  • Committed to limited vaccines

  • Committed to natural, chemical-free care

  • Feeding species appropriate diet - raw

  • Committed to providing sunshine, exercise, love, play, etc to their puppy/dog

  • Open exchange with us if questions or concerns arise

akc breeder of merit

Board Certified

natural Breeding

home of Best in show

akc breeder of merit

Board Certified

natural Breeding

home of Best in show

Trisong Tibetan Terriers Champion Dogs

Dr. Susan Schultz

Board Certified Small Animal Naturopath, AKC Evaluator - Trick Dog, CGC/AAC, STAR Puppy, FIT 1 & 2 , AKC Temperament, & Obedience Trainer.

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